Registration > Registration Fees

The fee covers participation, coffee breaks, lunches, and one proceeding paper + Chapter  (Hard copy of the Book) Indexed in SCOPUS:


Early Registration
(By October 15, 2023)

Late Registration
(After October 16, 2023)


200 euros

200 euros

Moroccan phD Student 

120 euros

120 euros

Foreign phD Student

Additional paper

e-Communications (Online)

e-Communications (Foreign phD Student)

200 euros

100 euros

90 euros

120 euros

200 euros

100 euros

120 euros

150 euros

Accompanying Person

100 euros

150 euros

At least one author must register at the regular rate. Registration fees cover one paper to the proceeding; one additional paper will cost 100 euros; two or more additional papers will cost 150 euros for registering each additional paper.



(*) Students must provide concurrently with the Registration Form an official university letter confirming their status as full time students and the degree program they are enrolled in


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